- Wrong-way incidents originate most often at exit ramps. They are also common in areas with low traffic volumes and light land use. Elderly motorists are more likely to be involved in wrong-way crashes than younger motorists. Several treatments can mitigate wrong-way driving:
- Install wrong-way arrows or red reflectorized raised pavement markings so exit ramps are more visible.
- Increase and/or improve road lighting.
- Position Do Not Enter and Wrong Way signs at a lower height off the ground.
- Avoid the use of freeway left-side exit ramps.
- Lengthen sight distance so motorists traveling the wrong way are more likely to detect oncoming vehicles.
- Install medians.
- Use ramp geometry to provide more cues, such as more severe angles on the right side as a vehicle passes the exit ramp.
Chris VanDyke
Research Scientist | Program Manager