• Table 14.2 lists human factors to consider when deciding whether to install a Yield sign, Stop sign, or active control device. A Yield or Stop sign should always accompany a crossbuck warning device.
Table 14.2 Human Factors Guidelines for Device Selection at Rail-Highway Grade Crossings
Motorist Factor Yield Sign Stop Sign Active Control
Sight Lines
  • Provide a large sight triangle
  • Provide a minimum sight triangle along the track
  • Not a major consideration
Decision Factors
  • Motorist needs information to make a gap acceptance decision
  • Motorist needs information to make a go/no-go decision
  • Little additional information needed
Timing Elements
  • Provide motorist enough time to decide whether to stop or continue while moving
  • Provide adequate clearance time for large vehicles stopped at the crossing
  • Time lights to give motorists enough time to stop or cross once flashing lights are activated
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
Perception of Train Speed
  • Provide visual expansion and translational cues
  • Provide visual expansion cues along the track
  • Not required for a decision

15 + 13 =


Chris VanDyke

Research Scientist | Program Manager
