- Drivers can become fatigued, bored, or less attentive on long tangent sections that impose few cognitive or visual demands.
- Consider using the countermeasures listed below on long tangent sections that prevent crashes or reduce the severity of crashes. Figure 8.1 illustrates some of these.
- Install rumble strips on the shoulder and/or centerline.
- Eliminate shoulder drop-offs.
- Widen and pave shoulders.
- Widen two-lane roads to establish a compact buffer median between lanes.
- On multilane roads with narrow medians, install median barriers.
- Design safe slopes and ditches and remove hazardous roadside obstacles to reduce the likelihood of vehicles overturning.
- Install improved roadside hardware and barrier/attenuation systems to mitigate the severity of run-off-road crashes.
Figure 8.1 Countermeasures for Long Tangent Sections

Chris VanDyke
Research Scientist | Program Manager