• Motorists turning from a minor road onto a major road will not make a turn until they observe an adequate gap in traffic on the major road. Acceptable gap distance is the size of gap that provides motorists enough time to stop and complete a turn without interfering with traffic. Intersection sight distance in both directions must equal the distance traveled at the major road’s design speed during period equal to the gap.
    • A gap is the time interval between successive vehicles. It is measured from the rear of the lead vehicle to the front of the trailing vehicle
  • Table 10.1 provides baseline guidance for acceptable time gaps. Values assume the stopped vehicle is turning onto a two-lane highway with no median and a grade 3%.
Table 10.1 Acceptable Time Gaps
Design Vehicle Time Gap (tg) at Design Speed of Major Road
Left Turn Right Turn
Passenger Car 7.5 seconds 6.5 seconds
Single-Unit Truck 9.5 seconds 8.5 seconds
Combination Truck 11.5 seconds 10.5 seconds
  • For turns onto multilane roads, add 0.5 seconds to the time gap for passenger cars and 0.7 seconds for tucks for each additional lane
  • For left turns onto minor roads where the approach grade is an upgrade > 3%, add 0.2 seconds for each 1% increase in grade.
  • For right turns onto minor roads where the approach grade is an upgrade > 3%, add 0.1 seconds for each 1% increase in grade.
  • 6 + 4 =


    Chris VanDyke

    Research Scientist | Program Manager
