• An arrow-per-lane sign is an overhead sign with two components: (a) arrows that point to individual lanes and (b) destination information positioned immediately above the arrows.
  • Motorists use information communicated by text and arrows determine what lane will take them to their destination. Table 12.4 lists corrective actions to eliminate driver confusion that arises from the sub-optimal pairing of arrows and travel lanes.
Table 12.4 Design Guidance for Arrow-Per-Lane Signs
Source of Drive Confusion Corrective Actions
Arrows Do Not Appear Centered Over the Lanes
  • Provide a route that does not require motorists to change lanes to continue on the through route.
  • Avoid installing arrow-per-lane signs on sharp horizontal curves.
All Destinations Listed Above an Arrow Cannot Be Reached in That Lane
  • Do not list a destination above an arrow if the indicated lane cannot reach that destination.
All Destinations Listed Above an Arrow Cannot Be Reached By Following the Same Direction at a Split or Option Lane
  • Match the layout of destination information to the roadway geometry.

6 + 8 =


Chris VanDyke

Research Scientist | Program Manager
