• The purpose of changeable message signs is to communicate important messages succinctly. Keep display messages to a maximum of two phases. Avoid splitting information across phases, use a consistent format for calendar dates, and make sure all information is up to date. Use simple, standardized messages. Abbreviations can be used, but only if they are widely understood.
  • If the speed limit is > 35 mph, a maximum of four units can be used on a sign. For speed limits £ 35 mph, up to five units may be used.
    • One unit = one answer to one question (e.g. the phrase Freeway Blocked would count as one unit)
  • Signs need to be placed so drivers 1,500 ft or more upstream can see them. Avoid placing signs where they are obscured by permanent signs or will compete with other signs for attention.
  • A maximum of 8 words can be used to communicate a message on roads with 55 mph speed limits. Seven (7) words can be used on signs where the speed limit is 65 mph.

12 + 12 =


Chris VanDyke

Research Scientist | Program Manager
