• Traffic control devices play a valuable role in warning motorists of downstream rail crossings. Table 14.1 lists compliance issues and guidelines that influence whether motorists stop when warned of impending trains.
Table 14.1 Design Guidelines to Improve Compliance at Rail-Highway Grade Crossings
Factor Compliance Issue Guideline
Driver Familiarity
  • Consider installing active devices.
  • Inform drivers of operational crossings.
  • Reserve active warning devices for environments where they can deliver warnings that have a predictable, constant length.
  • Use reliable warning devices
Traffic Control Device Design / Roadway Device Timing
  • Time warnings so they are long enough to let motorists make a go/no-go decision, but not so long they reduce compliance.
Device Selection
  • Choice of device needs to support the time available for drivers to make go/no-go decisions based on crossing sight lines.
Train Speed Perception
  • If motorists have to determine the speed of an approaching train, provide speed perception cues.
Sight Lines
  • Provide sight lines that are consistent with the requirements of the traffic control device.
  • The full HFG entry (linked in the title) provides a detailed task breakdown of activities motorists perform near rail-highway grade crossings.

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Chris VanDyke

Research Scientist | Program Manager
