• When only passive warning devices are installed at a rail-highway grade crossing, motorists need good information to determine whether a train is approaching. Verify the following information is presented at the crossing:
    • Existence of a downstream rail-grade crossing
    • The crossing’s passive status, which indicates the driver is responsible for determining if a train is at or near the crossings
    • Actions required of the motorists (e.g., maintain speed, slow down, look for trains)
    • Special conditions that warrant additional attention from the motorist (e.g., limited sight distance, skewed crossing)
  • All passive crossings must be marked with a crossbuck warning device and a Yield or Stop
    • Using only a crossbuck warning device is not sufficient to inform motorists of a downstream crossing.
  • The MUTCD provides examples of signs used to inform drivers of passive rail-highway grade crossings.

5 + 12 =


Chris VanDyke

Research Scientist | Program Manager
