• Motorists can misperceive the speed at which they are traveling. Although speedometers indicate vehicle speed, often motorists rely on external cues (e.g., engine noise, vibrations, visual sensations elicited through highway geometrics, objects passing through their visual field) to judge their speed.
  • Good designs help motorists to align their perceptual experience of a road with their intended travel speed. Several factors influence speed perceptions (Table 17.1). When crafting designs, engineers should pay close attention to which factors are present and modify design decision making accordingly.
Table 17.1 Influence of External Factors on Motorist Speed Perception
Factors that Cause Drivers to Underestimate Their Travel Speed Factors that Cause Drivers to Overestimate Their Travel Speed
  • Higher design standards
  • Wider roads
  • Divided, walled urban roads
  • Rural roads without roadside trees
  • Difference between nighttime and daytime illumination conditions
  • Two-lane narrow urban roads
  • Densely lined trees on roadsides
  • Transverse pavement markings

3 + 9 =


Chris VanDyke

Research Scientist | Program Manager
